The San Francisco-based Sustainable Arts Foundation works to provide financial awards to parents pursuing creative work.
To that end, the foundation invites applications from individual artists and writers. Through the program, unrestricted cash grants of $5,000 will be awarded to up to 20 artists and writers with children under 18. Awards are based on demonstrated excellence within the discipline, and the foundation recommends that artists or writers who are beginning their creative careers not apply to this program.
This year, we will make awards of $5,000 each to twenty artists and writers with children. Additionally, we will name twenty finalists.
Our awards offer unrestricted cash, which recipients can use as they like.
Our selection process is focused almost entirely on the strength of the submitted portfolio.
Who Should Apply
Artists and writers with at least one child under the age of 18 and a strong portfolio are welcome to apply.
We are inspired by anyone making creative work while raising a family. Given the intense demand for these awards (we typically receive 2,000-3,000 applications), and the fact that the awards are based on demonstrated excellence in your discipline, we don’t recommend that artists or writers just beginning their creative careers apply to this program.
While we don’t require that applicants have published or exhibited their work, the rigor and critique involved in that process can certainly benefit the portfolio. Portfolios of writing or artwork created in a more personal vein for sharing with friends and family are not suitable.
Writers may apply in one of the following categories: creative nonfiction, early and middle-grade readers, fiction, graphic novel/graphic memoir, illustrated children's books, illustrated children's books (text only), poetry, and young adult fiction.
Visual artists may apply in one of the following categories: book arts, ceramics, drawing, fiber arts and textiles, illustration, installation, jewelry, mixed media, painting, photography, printmaking, sculpture, or wearable textiles. For complete program guidelines, application instructions, and a list of previous awardees, see the Sustainable Arts Foundation website.